The building blocks of Compliance e: t: 01706 559 022
The building blocks of Compliance e: t: 01706 559 022
Organisations can be complex, with personal data processed from collection through to destruction in many different and varied ways. It can be difficult for organisations to keep on top of the requirements – from privacy notices and staff recruitment, customer, student, pupil and supplier management practices, to ensuring your website is in order.
StoneArch can help you to understand your responsibilities under privacy legislation by conducting a thorough review of your practices, highlighting and building upon what is good, and setting out what requires improvement and developing an action plan to resolve issues.
This is a great starting point for organisations to take to help them understand how the legislation effects them. They are then able to pick-and-choose how to best reduce risk and protect privacy. StoneArch will rank these risks, and create a step-by-step plan to full compliance.
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